Addressed Subjects: Math, Social Studies, Literature
Grade Level: 1
- I. Goal: To have students identify different shapes in our environment in the context of the development of a community. To help students familiarize concepts of cardinal directions and movement from one place to another.
- II. Objectives:
(1)4.1 use position words (e.g. between, on, inside, outside, near, left, right) to describe location of objects [NS/PS 4.1.2]
(1)4.2 identify, describe, and name geometric figures (sphere, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, cone) [NS/PS 4.2.4]
(1)4.5 recognize and describe different shapes in the environment
(1)4.10 represent architecture; using two-dimensional or three-dimensional media, techniques, and processes [NS 1.3.3]
(1)3.8 identify ways in which people or things move from one place to another [NS 4.1.3]
(1)3.9 identify the geographic setting of a picture or story [NS 4.1.4]
(1)3.10 ask questions about the neighborhood and other places [NS 7.1.1]
(1)3.11 recall geographic facts from a story [NS 7.1.2]
(1)3.14 name the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) - III. Materials:
- Make Way For Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
- White board and markers
- Overhead projector and screen
- Overhead transparency of Make Way For Ducklings:
Relationships; Humans and Environments:
- Large copy of Make Way For Ducklings map for each table of students
- Shape stencils
- Construction paper
- Coloring tools
- Tape and glue - IV. Procedures:
Sponge Activity: Read Make Way For Ducklings
Anticipatory Set:
- Give an explanation of community. Ask students what evidence there is of community from the story.
- What is our community like?
- How can we describe the location of places within our community to others?
Developmental Activities:
- Share the transparencies with the students on the overhead, overlapping them over each other (respectively) as we explain the development of a community.
- Teach students the cardinal directions and have them give oral directions of how to move from one place to another if I were driving a car on the roads on the transparency.
- Explain our activity:
We were asked to be the construction crew in the Boston neighborhood where the Mallards have decided to settle. Several families want to build houses on the land available for neighborhoods and it is our duty to make the houses. First we need to make a blueprint, and then we can begin building.
- Help students name geometric figures and shapes that help compose houses in our environment. Explain that we will be building our houses from these shapes.
Culminating Activity:
Students will work in groups to construct houses from shapes that they have traced and cut from stencils. They will paste these buildings on a large map from the story. Each group member will have a chance to drive a toy car throughout their 3-dimensional area while another gives cardinal directions. - V. Student Evaluation:
To determine that my students are understanding the material I will walk from group to group and monitor their progress. I will stop and both give directions and take directions at each table answering any questions.
Estimated Time: approximately 70 minutes
Addressed Subjects: Literature, Art
Grade Level: 2
Illustration Techniques
- I. Goal: Students will use a technique popular in Ezra Jack Keats’ books, a Caldecott Award-winner illustrator. This lesson is a one day lesson of a ten-day author study.
- II. Objectives:
(2)5.1 choose fiction and other kinds of literature to read and discuss [NS 5.A.2]; [ELA/PS 2.2.4, 2.2.A1, 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 9.2.4]
b. Interpret different kinds of stories and illustrations, including Caldecott, NYRA, and award-winning books
(2)5.3 express information and ideas creatively in a variety of simple formats
[NS5.C.1]; [ELA/PS 5.2.4, 6.2.2, 9.2.4]
(2)4.8 make prints; using media, techniques, and processes for mono-prints [NS
(2)4.11 work in at least one mixed medium; using varied media, techniques, and
processes, e.g., collage, wearable art (garments, head pieces, etc.), mask-making,
puppetry, bookmaking, jewelry, animation, combined media, etc. [NS 1.3.3] - III. Materials:
o Jennie’s Hat, Dreams, Maggie and the Pirate by Ezra Jack Keats
o Elmer's Art Paste (24003-1003)
o Heavy Groundwood Construction Paper (11400)
o Blickrylic Paint (00711) or other flow-type acrylic
o Mixing spoon, mixing cups, plastic spoons or brushes, sticks, combs
o Water Tray, at least 2" wider and longer than the size of paper used and large enough to contain more than 4 quarts of water
o Newpapers and blotting papers
o Paper napkins and cardboard strips - IV. Procedures:
Sponge Activity:
Each table of students will be given one of Ezra Jack Keats’ books that use marbleized paper as a technique (i.e. Jennie’s Hat, Dreams, Maggie and the Pirate). For three minutes, the students are to write observations of the different techniques that they notice in the illustrations.
Anticipatory Set:
· What are some techniques that you found?
· Do you find that there is more than one technique found in an illustration?
· Does anyone know what this technique is called?
Developmental Activities:
· Explain collage; “to glue”
· Show the presence of collage in Keats’ stories and explain his award-winning story The Snowy Day as a Caldecott Award-winner. This honor is awarded to exemplary illustrations.
· Focus on the inside cover of Dreams and explain the technique of marbleized paper.
Culminating Activity:
· Students will create marbleized paper that we will use at the end of the 10-day author study to create a commemorative collage stamp.
· Instructions can be found at - V. Student Evaluation:
While students are working on their marbleized paper I will walk amongst the tables and answer any questions or help with any problems. To determine that the students understand the technique of collage I will orally ask questions about the process and ask students to give suggestions on items they can use when constructing a collage.
Estimated Time: approximately 45 minutes
Addressed Subjects: Health, Art
Grade Level: 3
Our Five Senses
- I. Goal: Students will become familiar with the five senses and the appropriate body part linked with the sense.
- II. Objectives:
(3)2.2 use and identify five senses, matching the appropriate body part to each
(3)1.1 describe works of art, using appropriate vocabulary, e.g., list or name
subject matter and/or symbols [NS 2.3.1]
(3)1.5 evaluate/share own artwork - III. Materials:
o Butcher paper with body outline and five different images cut from a magazine each representing a sense
o Tape
o Whiteboard and marker
o Blank copy of face and hand worksheet (1 per student)
o Large construction paper (1 per student)
o Magazines (at least 1 for every two students)
o Scissors
o Glue
o Pen/pencil/marker - IV. Procedures:
Sponge Activity:
o I will have a volunteer student sit at the front of the class and feel a maraca while blindfolded. The student will have to guess what the item is using as many of the senses he/she can.
o Another volunteer student will sit at the front of the class and be blind folded and asked to identify an orange.
Anticipatory Set:
o What did these students do to identify the items?
o What would the orange taste like?
o If all you could do was hear the maraca, would you know what it was?
o How important is it to feel something?
o How might we be affected if we couldn’t hear anything?
Developmental Activities:
o Display the body cut out on the white board and present each magazine cut-out while explaining the sense related to it.
o Sight
o Smell
o Taste
o Touch
o Sound
o I will draw a line from the body part to the image as the class offers adjectives that can help describe a sensation (i.e. taste: salty, spicy, sweet, tart; touch: bumpy, rough, smooth, rigid, cool, warm)
Culminating Activity:
o Students will find images from a magazine that depict one of each sense and create a diagram similar to the one completed in our example. The students will draw the label lines and write what the object is and how it is related to that sense.
o When completed, the students will share their products with one partner. - V. Student Evaluation:
In order for me to determine whether my students understood the material I will assess their completed projects. For students that were having difficulties or misconceptions, I will personally address it on a sticky note and have the student re-do that portion.
Estimated Time: approximately 55 minutes
Addressed Subjects: Environmental Health, Health, Art
Grade Level: 4
- I. Goal: Students will formulate and express their opinion of smoking on personal and environmental health.
- II. Objectives:
(4)4.13 use technology to create works of art, e.g., computer art [NS 1.5.3]
(4)3.1 engage in aesthetic inquiry through various aesthetic issues/topics
a. artist’s intent and viewer’s interpretation [NS 3.5.1]
b. purposes for works of art [NS 2.5.2]
c. beauty and ugliness [NS 2.5.3]
d. defining art [NS 2.5.3]
e. creativity, the creative process, originality [NS 1.5.2]
(4)3.2 discuss aesthetic positions/stances
b. expressionism (art that shows feelings) [NS 2.5.2]
(4)8.1 identify and describe conditions influenced by environmental factors (e.g., second-hand smoke, occupational hazards, pesticides)
(4)4.1 identify drug categories and discuss the laws regarding their use (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana)
(4)4.2 describe and practice drug refusal skills
(4)4.3 describe persuasive techniques used in advertising
(4)4.4 identify positive alternatives to substance abuse
(4)6.2 describe how decisions regarding health behaviors can prevent disease and promote fitness
(4)7.4 describe methods to help others make healthy choices - III. Materials:
· Smoking ad
· Image of healthy lungs and lungs after smoking for a while
· Computer lab - IV. Procedures:
Sponge Activity:
Show the students the advertisement for cigarettes and have them evaluate the different factors present.
Anticipatory Set:
· Is it obvious what this ad is selling?
· Does it promote anything else?
· How does this advertisement make you feel?
· Is there any information about the effects of this product on the ad?
· Is this ad appealing?
Developmental Activities:
· Talk about smoking with students; discuss the age restrictions, the effects, why people smoke, how smoking is addicting, how it hurts our environment, how others who don’t smoke are affected, refusal skills, and possible alternatives.
· Explain that artists take different positions and stances when creating their art. One form of art is expressionism which is art that shows feelings.
Culminating Activity:
At the computer lab each student will open up the paint program. I will show them how to use the basic tools. The students are to use images to share their feelings on the topic of smoking. An expressionistic piece will be made without any words. The students will share these in groups of three and discuss their interpretations, intent, and purpose of this assignment. - V. Student Evaluation:
I will have the students write a short paragraph review of at least two of their peers’ compositions. Each student will also write a short explanation of their illustration to be printed on the back of image. These images will be hung in our classroom. This assignment does not necessarily need to be graded on content because it is an opinion piece. The students will be solely graded on the completion of the assignment requirements.
Estimated Time: approximately 40 minutes
Lesson Topic/Subject: Drawing Still Life/Art
Grade Level: 3
Drawing Still Life
- I. Goal: Learn vocabulary, characteristics, and features pertinent to Still Life art.
- II. Objectives:
The students should be able to:
(3)1.1 describe works of art, using appropriate vocabulary, e.g., list or
name subject matter and/or symbols [NS 2.3.1]
(3)1.2 analyze works of art, e.g., identify elements and principles of
design; discuss media, forms, techniques, etc. [NS 2.3.1]
(3)4.2 demonstrate design concepts & principles: repetition, pattern,
symmetry, geometric shape, color theory (mix intermediate or tertiary
colors), scale, contrast, overlapping, contours, emphasis, composition,
organic shape [NS 2.3.4] - III. Materials:
· Powerpoint lecture slides (Drawing Still Life)
· TV and computer for projecting powerpoint
· Sheet of white butcher paper and marker
· Digital camera and cords to connect to TV
· Three cut-outs of flower and leaves
· One sketch book for each student (provided in class)
· One pencil for each student - IV. Procedures:
a. Introduction: (3 minutes)
Ask students:
What are some things that you like to draw?
Where can we find these things?
Do you think it would be easier to draw from a model than from memory?
b. Developmental Activities: (25 minutes)
Students will be delivered the content through a powerpoint presentation. Throughout the slides the students will be asked to read along. I will ask questions at each slide to check for understanding.
· What is this an image of? Paintbrushes and water jar.
· This is a common set of items that would be found in an art room. Objects from everyday life can be good opportunities for drawing.
Boots: What are these a picture of? Are they living? So are they still life?
Still Life?: Are these images examples of still life? Why or why not?
· Subject matter is what an artist chooses to include in the picture. They are always carefully chosen and there are reasons for the items that are picked.
· What are the items the artist chose to include in this picture?
· If I moved the lamp closer and the inkwell to the right, would we have the same picture? Is the subject matter changing? What is actually changing is the composition.
Spurs: Who can guess what composition might mean?
What shape does your eye follow in this picture?
· Notice the circular direction of the items in this picture. From our wall of examples, which Principle of Design would this be similar to? The eye following the circular direction.. (MOVEMENT)
· Very similar to connect the dots, who has done a connect the dots before? Can you see this relationship here?
Slide 1: Show students the paper cut-out examples of overlapping.
Slide 2: What are these images of? Which onion is closer, the one on the left or the one on the right? Can you explain to me how you know that?
Telephone: In your drawings, overlapping items can give the illusion of depth and make your picture look more realistic.
· Which is darker, the images in the foreground (which means the items in front), or the image in the background?
· There is a set of things that are like opposites here: The sharp fork and the smooth spoon; the light background and the dark subject matter. Looking back at our wall of terms, which Principle of Design do you think best represents these opposites? (CONTRAST)
Value: Starting with black on the left, as we gradually add white the black fades into gray and finally white.
Chiaroscuro: Have student enunciate this word.
Before assigning the culminating activity I will demonstrate a sketch for the
students, pointing out that I am focusing on one particular object first and only
drawing the outline. My eyes remain on the still life and my hand has to
transcribe what I am seeing.
c. Culminating activities (10 minutes):
Students will work at their tables at drawing still life of fake plants or flowers.
d. Extension:
Students who finish early will pick a practice book and work at their desks. - V. Student Evaluation: To determine whether the students have understood the material I will informally assess their progress as they sketch in their books. I will ask questions from the lesson and re-teach anything that I observe was misunderstood or complicated. The sketches will not be graded and is for practice only.
Estimated Time: approximately 40 minutes
Lesson Topic/Subject: Drawing Still Life/Art
Grade Level: 3
Applying Still Life Drawing
- I. Goal: Review vocabulary, characteristics, and features pertinent to Still Life art and using them to create an original still life with colored chalk.
- II. Objectives:
The students should be able to:
(3)1.1 describe works of art, using appropriate vocabulary, e.g., list or
name subject matter and/or symbols [NS 2.3.1]
(3)1.2 analyze works of art, e.g., identify elements and principles of
design; discuss media, forms, techniques, etc. [NS 2.3.1]
(3)4.2 demonstrate design concepts & principles: repetition, pattern,
symmetry, geometric shape, color theory (mix intermediate or tertiary
colors), scale, contrast, overlapping, contours, emphasis, composition,
organic shape [NS 2.3.4] - III. Materials:
· White butcher paper with definitions of still life vocabulary words and illustrations
· 6 vocabulary word cutouts, one for reach table to match a definition on the poster
· Six different still life examples (bowl of fruit, shoes, fruit containers, cooking utensils)
· Black art paper
· Colored chalks
· Sketchbooks (one for each student, stored in classroom folders)
· Pencils
· Kleenex box of tissue (one for every two tables)
· Digital Camera - IV. Procedures:
a. Introduction: (5 minutes)
Review: Have students at their tables work as a group to determine the definition to the vocabulary word placed on their desk. One student will stick the vocabulary word to the definition on the white poster. Once a table has made their selection no other table can use that definition.
- We will use this time to review the concepts that were learned during the last session. I will explain to the students that I want to see these elements present in their artwork.
b. Developmental Activities: (5 minutes)
Example: At this point I will show the students how to blend the chalk with a Kleenex to give the illusion of depth and the show the students the levels of value (lightest, middle, darkest).
c. Culminating activities (25 minutes):
I will place a still life at the center of each table. Students will work at their tables at drawing still life in their sketchbooks. As soon as the student feels comfortable with his/her work, he/she is to come to me for permission to begin working with the chalk.
d. Extension:
Students who finish early will pick a practice book and work at their desks. - V. Student Evaluation:
To determine whether the students have understood the material I will informally assess their progress as they sketch in their books and determine their ability to move forward with the chalk. I will ask questions from the review and re-teach anything that I observe was misunderstood or complicated. The sketches will not be graded and is for practice only. The graded work will be the completed still life, finished after the students come back from Spring Break.
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