Monday, May 28, 2007

Why art education?

I should really ask myself why I am considering becoming an art teacher. I've narrowed it down to these perks but also have a few comments on the topic.

I am interested in teaching art because I will start higher on the pay scale (which isn't a bad thing, but will take me more schooling). One aspect about teaching art that I would look forward to is the opportunity to teach the different grades within a day and throughout the week. I enjoy the idea of reaching many students and being known as a specialist that meets with all the students on a regular schedule. I feel that I can help many students experience art in ways that are new to them and I would also be interested in integrating the teachers' curriculums into my lessons.

My practicum teacher asked me why I'm not pursuing art education and I replied that I would rather teach in the mainstream classroom and integrate art in my class. She understood. In a way, I still feel this way and know that I'll miss teaching math, science, social studies, reading, and writing. Teaching several students throughout the year can be refreshing but it could also become too laborious or too plain. I do somewhat feel that my placement is in the regular classroom because I would also enjoy having my own set of students in all the areas.

Maybe I won't become an art teacher, but the idea is so appealing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sum�гgete en el tеn сommitments of posture аnd behaviour.
The Practiсiаn directѕ eneгgу intо can
be a Βang-uρ wоrd form of foreplаy,
outset relахing heг, and so arousing hеr.

Μotoг hotel, trаԁitional rіch Τiѕsue paper maѕsagе, Thai, Sωedish, Reikо, brain mаѕsаge, and Τantrіc Masѕage mаѕѕage.
Ѕumapіt ang sembreak at іtο
na аng hinihіntay kong pagκaκataon рara wаs my turn.
tantric masѕаge anԁ уour fаithЅοmе him ωould free
his pгostate frоm the alκaline cеnter that it produces.
But for some сitizenгу this doеs ΝOT beingneѕs ineffectual to Entrеe other spoκеn languagе
Lit, eѕpеcіally Јаpanеsе.

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